Tata Neu UPI Scan & Pay Offer
Get FREE 80 Nue Coins on Scan & Pay Offer on Tata Neu App
Freebiestore Free Sample in India-Introducing the Tata Neu Scan & Pay UPI Offer: What’s up, men? This is yet another free cashback on app deal that we are bringing back. You guys can claim your Free Sample In India products from our blog and Telegram Channel. By taking advantage of Tata Neu App’s UPI promotion, you can get Rs. 80 for free.Utilize the Tata Neu app to receive a free Rs. 80 today. Please find below all of the information regarding their current UPI offer, as well as instructions on how to take advantage of it.

You can receive up to 80 Neu coins for free from Tata Neu if you successfully complete a scan and pay task using their UPI service. You will receive free Neu coins if you scan and pay for them five times. You should be aware that one Nue Coin is equivalent to one rupee and may be easily converted into money in a bank. There is a minimum payment requirement of Rs. 100 for the scan and pay offer.
Once you have completed a scan and pay transaction with a minimum value of Rs. 100, they will give you up to 50 Nue coins. Also, for new users, if they make their first transaction using scan and pay and it is for Rs. 300, they will receive an additional 30 Neu Coins. A total of Rs. 300 has been transacted by you, with the remaining Rs. 100 being transacted four times through the Scan & Pay assignment. It is simple to scan and pay to in your alternative bank, and you will get Rs. 80 in bank for doing so.
In order to take advantage of this deal, we have included a detailed tutorial. After reading the following, you will easily earn Rs. 80. Please check out our additional earnings app and continue to add to the money that you have saved.
How to get Free 80 Neu coins from Tata Neu App UPI Offer ? :
1. To begin, make sure you download the Tata Neu app here.
2. Create an account using your mobile phone number.

3. Launch the application following registration and navigate to the offers section.
4. Navigate to Payment Offers from the app’s upper menu.

5. Located there is the Scan & Pay offer. Simply click on it.

6. Now that you know your Tata Neu UPI account number, fill out the form.
7. Once the UPI link is successful, you can send 300 rupees to any other merchant by scanning their QR code.
8. Enjoy 30 free coins and 10 Neu coins when you do your first transaction.
9. Make four separate payments of Rs. 100 or more.
10. The Tata Neu app will reward you with 80 free coins if you finish step 10.
11. You may easily transfer 1 Nuecoin into 1 Rupee using the Tata Neu app.
12. You can’t take advantage of this deal after February 29th.
13. You should expect to receive your Neu coins within 48 hours.